Love for imperfect things by Haemin Sunim
Төгс төгөлдөрт шунасан ертөнцөд өөрийгөө байгаагаар нь хүлээн зөвшөөрөхүй
Зэнгийн багш, лам хүний бичсэн энэхүү номыг саяхан уншлаа. Таалагдсан ишлэлээ хуваалцмаар санагдан доор сийрүүллээ. Бас уншаад үзвэл доторх дүрслэл зургууд нь ямар хөөрхөн гэж санана.
“True freedom is being without anxiety about imperfection.” Sixth-century Zen master Sengchan
Chapter 1. Self-Care
“In the depths of the heart, love is always flowing, like a river.”
“When we become kinder to ourselves, we can become kinder to the world.”
“Learn to express what you are feeling without agonizing over it. It is a life skill every bit as important as learning how to read. Without it, dissatisfaction builds up, arguments break out, and relationships can blow up like volcanoes.”
“Don`t think you are lovable only when you succeed at what the world demands. You are already worthy of love.”
“Special moments are not separate from our everyday lives. When you make use of something special, it makes the moment special.”
“Being alone makes the world pause for a moment and helps to restore harmony.”
Chapter 2. Family
“The reason adolescent don`t listen to their parents and stubbornly try to have their own way is that they are learning to be independent. It is normal, so don`t worry too much.”
“There is nothing wrong with having these two emotions. You can love and hate someone at the same time.”
“Love needs no reason other than love itself.”
“If you want to help your child, your partner, or your friend, simply listen without offering advice or your own interpretation. And empathize, imagining that you yourself just had that experience. Don`t turn away from difficulties but endure them together. That is how you can be of greatest help.”
Chapter 3. Empathy
“Listening openly, patiently, and attentively is one of the most significant expressions of love.”
“Genuine love seems to love “in spite of.” Of course, it is easy to love the parts we agree with, but when we learn to embrace the parts we disagree with, that is when linking turns into loving.”
Chapter 4. Relationships
“We all wish to belong. It is through those who care deeply about us that we find love and purpose in our lives. After all, we are all imperfect beings who need one another.”
“A good relationship will never come about without work.”
“The more expectations you have for a relationship, the more likely it is to go awry. When a relationship feels difficult, examine it closely. Might it be that one of you is expecting too much?”
“A relationship has to be tended to like a fire: If someone comes too close, tell her to take a step back.”
“Try to share your true feelings. Even if the other person is hurt at first, eventually she will be grateful to know the truth. The truth is freeing to both the one who expresses it and the one who hears it.”
Chapter 5. Courage
“You can live the life you yourself think has meaning.”
“Excessive thought won`t solve a problem. Have confidence in yourself.”
“Frustration and failure are a part of life. If we do not flee from them but accept them calmly, we come to know what we need to do next.”
“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” — Swami Sivananda
Chapter 6. Healing
“Underneath someone`s violent nature, there is always fear, rooted in either childhood or present circumstances. Underneath that fear lurks hurt and vulnerability. If you really want to forgive someone, look beneath the surface and see what is there.”
“The heart`s wounds are healed when we encounter beauty or humor.
When we walk amid the beauty of nature, our thoughts rest.
When we look at beautiful art, our sensibilities are stimulated.
When we talk with a humorous friend, our mind brightens.
Trough beauty and humor, we return to our original state and become whole again.”
“We all face challenges that others can`t imagine. Remember that appearances aren`t everything.”
“One way to overcome feelings of emptiness, irritation, or depression is to perform a small act of kindness for somebody else. Try saying to yourself, “Even though I am busy, today I will treat someone else with kindness.” The small gesture expressing that good intention can become the seed of great change.”
“You can`t be productive all the time.”
Chapter 7. Enlightenment
“Breathing is an incredible time machine, bringing our minds from thoughts of the past or the future back to the present moment.”
“When the sky is empty of clouds, we can see its blue depths. And when the mind is empty of thoughts, we can feel its true nature.”
“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” Eckhart Tolle
Chapter 8. Acceptance
“If you are sad, it`s okay to acknowledge your sadness.If you have pain that leaves you at a loss, it`s okay to talk about your pain. The reason we have difficulties is that we are unable to accept the things that cannot be changed. Let them be and see what happens.”
“Love`s true face is acceptance and freedom, not restriction and control.”
“Happiness comes when our hearts are peaceful and content, and when we learn to appreciate what we already have.”
“Nothing in this world lasts forever, not even our suffering.”
“It is not the prehistoric era anymore. Worry about bad things when they happen, not before.”
Сайхан бүхнийг хүсье😉.
Япон Каназава хот 2020.08.05